Friday, September 01, 2006

Kitchen Update

And there was light. First viewing by us of lights working. Always a good sign and exciting. As you can see, the appliances also arrived today. We also went to see the good people at Mondial Tile on 65th Street and 14th Avenue to choose the part of the Carrara marble slab that will become our countertop on the island. They're great. We worked with Sandro, who really knows his stuff and was very helpful.

If you travel by car to Mondial, and drive down 65th Street, you'll be rewarded by passing the Bagel Barn. It drew us in partly because we liked the city/country aspect of the name, but also partly because Mrs. Boerumowner's brother couldn't remember the name of our local bagel place (the superb Bagel World) and slid into calling it Bagel Barn. Somehow it closed the loop in our trip out to Mondial.


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